Corporate Governance | Market Presence | Economic Performance

To be a high performing organisation, valuing social and environmental wellbeing. nurturing relationships and promoting innovation.
To supply high-quality building materials to a worldwide client base while utilizing innovative technologies within an environment of motivated employees, focusing on continuous improvement and adhering to highest business standards managing our impact on environment and society
Our ESG Approach
As a company committed to improving everyday life, ESG is an inextricable part of our business and that of our clients. ESG issues affect everyone at APL Apollo. That is why, guided by committed leadership, we operate through rigorous cross-functional governance. Our new ESG framework, targets and action plan reflect our focus on ESG issues that we believe are core to our business, and that are a part of evolving market expectations.
We recognize that we operate in an environment where many of the natural resources we depend on are scarce. Therefore, not only is it imperative for us to manage and measure our environmental impact for the sake of the world, but it is also essential for the financial viability of our supply chain and industry. And as a result, we have developed an ESG framework to integrate with our core businesses.
Materiality Assessment
Responsible Business
Responsible Operations
Energy Management | Water and Efflient Management | Emissions Management | Waste Management | Environmental Compliance
Responsible Employment
Health and Safety | Labour Relations and | Human Rights | Training and Education | Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Responsible Towards Communities
Local Communities
ESG Framework
ESG Vision & Mission
ESG Governance
ESG Focus Areas




Responsible Towards
ESG Performance Indicators and Targets
Responsible Communication
Title | Download |
Human Rights Policy | Download PDF |
Tax Policy | Download PDF |
OHS Policy | Download PDF |
Supplier Code of Conduct | Download PDF |
Business-Responsibility-Policy-APL Apollo | Download PDF |